

亮相2023汉诺威国际农业机械展览会:展馆 6,展台E15

导读 | 施德兰于2023年11月12-18日参加在德国汉诺威举办的Agritechnica汉诺威国际农业机械展览会 2023。这是展示我们最新干燥技术创新和发展的激动人心的机会



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JUMBO 2.0 - 成功型号的升级:我们久经考验的MUF得到了令人印象深刻的升级。施德兰 2.0提供了增强的干燥性能和效率,使其成为需要有效而温和地干燥更大作物量的生产企业的理想解决方案。这进一步的发展具有改进的控制能力、更高的产能和更好的能源效率。通过JUMBO 2.0,我们的重点是优化干燥过程并最大化提升质量。

JUMBO 2.0 - The evolution of the successful model: our proven JUMBO model received an impressive upgrade. The JUMBO 2.0 offers enhanced drying performance and efficiency, making it the ideal solution for producers who need to dry larger crop volumes effectively and gently. This further development features improved control capabilities, higher capacity and even better energy efficiency. With JUMBO 2.0, our focus is on optimizing drying processes and maximizing crop quality.


AgroDry® Recu

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AgroDry® Recu度

AgroDry® Recu - 未来可持续干燥:我们还进一步发展了经过验证的Agro干燥系统,以满足现代农业的要求。AgroDry® Recu以其出色的能源效率和可持续性而闻名。通过优化的热能回收和更为温和的干燥技术,它帮助我们的客户降低运营成本,同时减少其环境影响。这一解决方案是对可持续农业和减少二氧化碳足迹的贡献。

AgroDry® Recu - Sustainable drying for the future: We have also further developed our proven Agrar drying system to meet the requirements of modern agriculture. The AgroDry® Recu is characterized by its outstanding energy efficiency and sustainability. With optimized heat recovery and even gentler drying technology, it helps our customers cut their operating costs while reducing their environmental impact. This solution is a contribution to sustainable agriculture and to reducing the CO2 footprint.



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We will also present a special heat recovery technology for all types of continuous dryers, which can be implemented both for retrofitting in existing plants and, of course, for new plants.

参与Agritechnica 汉诺威国际农业机械展览会2023对我们来说是展示创新和客户满意承诺的重要机会。我们自豪地展示了我们在干燥技术方面的专业知识,并提供符合农业客户需求和要求的解决方案。

Participating in Agritechnica 2023 is an important opportunity for us to demonstrate our commitment to innovation and customer satisfaction. We are proud to showcase our expertise in drying technology and to offer solutions that meet the needs and requirements of our customers in agriculture.

在展会上参观我们的展台:展馆 6,展台E15,了解更多关于创新干燥技术的好处。在施德兰,我们致力于为客户提供安全高效的产品干燥设备。

Visit our booth at the show to learn more about the benefits of innovative drying technology. At STELA, we are committed to providing our customers with the best tools to dry their products safely and efficiently.


Find out more about our proven agricultural drying technologies:


stela drying technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.


1104, NO.275-8 GUODING ROAD(E), 200433 SHANGHAI, P.R. CHINA

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