DLG Test Report 6511


crypto gambling game0,751 kWh/kgH2O thermal energy demand!
Innovative STELA-Biturbo®-Technology

The AgroDry® MDB-XN 2/17-SB continuous flow dryer from Stela Laxhuber GmbH dries the crop as it flows from top to bottom within the two drying columns. The air enters and exits the grain heap through ducts that are shaped like inverted Vs. The warm intake air enters the heap through one duct, heating the grain and picking up excess moisture from it. The saturated and cooled air then exits the column through an outlet duct. The air is drawn through the drying columns by four fans.

The tested plant was specified with STELA-Biturbo technology which uses a mix of various airstreams – natural air which is drawn in from outside and heated by a linear burner as well as air that was preheated in the cooling zones. This mix is supplied to the bottom zone of the heap (bottom drying zone). The mixed flow is drawn by two axial fans and directed from the bottom drying zone to the top where hot natural air is added. This re-blended airstream is fed to the crop in the top drying zone by two axial fans and is exhausted after passing through the wet heap. The manufacturer claims that by controlling the air flow this way they can use the wet crop to clean the air and reduce the development of dust in the top drying zone. At the same time, this technology leads to a significant reduction of the amount of air required for the process.

Although the dryer was designed for maize, the manufacturer says it is also suitable for drying wheat and rapeseed.

0,751 kWh/kgH2o thermal energy demand

Due to this energy-efficient air duct system, a thermal energy demand ex 0.751 kWh/kgH2O is obtained. This value is ca.30% below the usual energy consumption of comparable drying plants without this specific heat recovery. This results in an energy consumption of 176.5 kWth when drying one tonne of wet maize with a moisture reduction from 35% to 15%, this equates to ca. 17.1 m³ of natural gas (caloric value 10.35 kWh/m³)

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