Grain Tech Expo 2018


"AgroSpring 2018" has opened a new agricultural season in Ukraine!
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On February 21-23, 3 large-scale international exhibitions "Grain Tech Expo", "Agro Animal Show" and "Fruit.Vegetables.Logistics" were held at the International Exhibition Center within the framework of the AgroSpring 2018 event, which caused a real boom among the specialists of the agrarian sector.

The exhibition program included about 35 business events with the participation of leading experts in the agricultural sector of Ukraine and representatives of the authorities. This year the exhibition were attended by about 20 000 professional visitors and more than 500 leading companies in the field of agribusiness presented their product and services.

STELA Engineering GmbH company, as a manufacturer of grain dryers and a supplier of high-quality grain storage equipment, presented a wide range of European and American production equipment for grain storage and processing. The patented technology of the Biturbo air duct system became an interesting novelty for the visitors of the exhibition from the STELA company. Dryers STELA Agro Dry with Biturbo technology allow reducing the required amount of hot air by 40%, which in turn reduces the heat energy by 15%.

Nowadays, the ability to save heat carriers and the durability of the operation of this equipment is the main advantage of the company's products in the Ukrainian market for most agricultural producers.

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