Peter Kölln:再次选择施德兰烘干机的理由


Peter Kölln:为什么我们再次选择施德兰烘干设备?

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导读 |  德国知名燕麦麦片公司Peter Kölln 采购第二台施德兰干燥机!
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作为欧洲最大的燕麦厂之一,Peter Kölln凭借其Kölln品牌的什锦早餐享誉德国


今天Peter Kölln的技术项目规划Simone Deuser将告诉我们为什么公司决定安装第二台施德兰干燥机。

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Why was a new dryer purchased?

Peter Kölln:“我们目前现有的带式干燥机被用于两步干燥工艺,因此同一时间只能进行一步干燥工艺。通过安装第二台施德兰干燥机,我们便可以同时运行这两步工艺,提高系统效率。

Peter Kölln:"We currently use our existing belt dryer for two processes, which is why only one process can be run at a time. With the second stela dryer, we can run the two processes in line and thus increase our system availability.


Which products do you dry?

Peter Kölln:“我们想使用新的干燥机来干燥包衣工艺后的燕麦。在第一步工艺步骤(干燥机1),对挤出机上生产的燕麦进行干燥。在第二步工艺步骤中,对其进行包衣并将其送入新的干燥机(干燥机2)。”

Peter Kölln:"We want to use the new dryer to dry coated cereals. In the first process step (dryer 1), the cereals produced on the extruder are dried. In the second process step, they are then coated and fed to the new dryer (dryer 2)."

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Why did you decide in favour of a belt dryer?

Peter Kölln:“之所以选择带式干燥机,是出于我们对产品质量的要求。带式干燥机可以非常温和地烘干我们的燕麦。燕麦很容易破碎,必须避免磨损。而所需的带式烘干机必须能够做到这一点,这样我们才能提供质量稳定的产品。”

Peter Kölln:"The decision in favour of a belt dryer is due to our product quality. A belt dryer can dry our cereals very gently. Cereals are very susceptible to breakage. Abrasion must be avoided. The belt dryer must be able to do this so that we can deliver consistent quality."


Why did you decide in favour of a drying system from stela again?

Peter Kölln:“我们于1999年首次从施德兰购买了烘干机,这一抉择使我们在燕麦烘干领域收获了许多宝贵的经验。我们与施德兰合作了25余年,视其为一家可靠且高质量的制造商。因此我们很快就能确定,施德兰烘干机是我们的不二之选。”

Peter Kölln:"The dryer we purchased from stela back in 1999 gave us good experience in the field of cereal drying. Having worked with stela for over 25 years now, we value them as a reliable and high-quality manufacturer. It quickly became clear to us that a second dryer would again be a stela dryer."

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感谢Simone Deuser接受采访!

Thanks to Simone Deuser for the interview!

Peter Kölln 新干燥机调试工作正在进行中,交付完成后我们将第一时间汇报。敬请期待!

Commissioning of the dryer at Peter Kölln is already underway and we will report back soon. Stay tuned!


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